Eric Bradley, Patrick Bradley |
I had a great time yesterday, especially gathering gossip and chit-chatting with folks throughout the day - culminating in a marvelous dinner with CGC-associated collectors and dealers. (I think tablemate Roy was a bit taken aback when I said I thought the most I'd spent for a back-issue comic book was around $75 - for a damaged
Showcase #1 a few years ago. I, on the other hand, was a bit taken aback - though not surprised - by conversations about how many thousands of dollars were involved in an assortment of sales over the years.) Anyway, posting about all of this sort of thing will have to wait - because today is check-out day at the hotel and bargain day at the show. Wizard World Chicago is an event to which I arrive in a car, and that means that I can take back stuff without so many concerns about getting it from the convention to my home. And it's the day on which
some of the dealers will lower their prices. And there were pretty good prices earlier, let me tell you. Here, for example, you'll see fellow Krause Publications Editor Eric Bradley and his son Patrick exulting in the joy of comics pursuit yesterday. What's the best convention moment for
you so far this year?
Thank you so much for showing us around the show. Could there be a better guide than the great and powerful Maggie? It was so cool to see you in your element, your thoughts and opinions respected by so many creators and retailers. You made our first convention really special!
Oh, and we picked up six issues of "The Spirit - The Origin Years" series from Kitchen Sink in an effort to better understand your love of Mr. Eisner's work!
Great choices, Eric, both in terms of those comics and a tour guide. Watching Maggie in her element is a treat! Lugging the things she buys, well ...
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