Fanzine Library: Newfangles #5 (November 1967)

Saturday, July 11, 1970

Two sheets in an issue? Well, the very idea that strip reprints would be available was thrilling enough to merit the free ad!

We noted the deaths of artist S. Robert Powell (50) and editor Hugo Gernsback (83). Other news: Fred Patten's election to Central Mailer of CAPA-alpha; Mike Royer's career; Jeff Jones' career; and George Metzger's career. We reviewed Ed Aprill's Cartoonist Showcase. There was a plethora of other news -- and a Nostalgia Press ad rider for the Flash Gordon collection.

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Fanzine Library: Newfangles #4 (September 1967)

Thursday, July 9, 1970

And so it went, still bimonthly. News included: Wayne Howard becoming Wally Wood's assistant; Mike Barrier passing his bar exam; fan news appearing in King Comics; Steve Kelez' upcoming assignment to duty in Thailand; birth of the third son of Bill and Zylpha Thailing; publishing of "two sexy comics" from Simon & Schuster.

We also reviewed A Nation Grieved, On the Drawing Board, and John Benson's Talk with Harvey Kurtzman.

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Fanzine Library: Newfangles #3 (July 1967)

Tuesday, July 7, 1970

When I said we wanted to publish news about fans, that's what I meant. This issue featured a pretty big fannish accomplishment -- at least as far as we were concerned. Valerie Lee Thompson was born July 20.

Other news: Bob Butts was drafted; the Ed Wheelan Memorial Fund was established by the Fort Myers Beach Art Association; Tower Press published Cavalcade of Old Time Comic Strips. And there was, of course, the usual etc.

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Fanzine Library: Newfangles #2 (May 1967)

Sunday, July 5, 1970

Two months later, we shipped the second issue. Note my current decision to delete home addresses. We reported deaths of Otto Binder's daughter, Jim King, Marti Beck, and Carey Orr. Other news included: job changes for Fred Patten and George Metzger; marriage of John Benson; health experiences of Bob Greene, Biljo White, and Dan Alderson; upcoming postal changes; new postal codes for Australia; the status of the Chicago scene; upcoming conventions; and more.

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Fanzine Library: Newfangles #1 (March 1967)

Friday, July 3, 1970

Don and I wanted to read a fanzine devoted to the doings of farflung fans. So we published one. The first issue defined the project and went on to celebrate the birth of a daughter to Australian fans John and Jan Ryan, and pass on news of Jerry and Jean Bails' Panelologist, The Classic Cartoons, meetings of the Cleveland comics club, the M.M.M.S. newsletter, and more.

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Fanzine Library: Newfangles

Thursday, July 2, 1970

Science-fiction fans had long had newsletters that provided news of weddings, conventions, changes of address, and the like. But news for comics buffs had focused on pro, not fan, news. Until March 1967. Don Thompson and Maggie Curtis had become Don and Maggie Thompson five years earlier. We had our own mimeograph machine and a goal.

...more to come!


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