Harlan Ellison at MadCon: Friday Night

Saturday, September 25, 2010

It was a late night last night. Thing is: Last major event on the schedule was a talk by Harlan - a talk that, it was thought, might be followed with a book signing. And Harlan talked. And talked. And talked. When would he move from the podium to the table outside? I didn't know. Tom Galloway didn't know. Susan didn't know. And Harlan talked. And there were roars of laughter erupting from room, and Harlan was in full-speed mode, and everyone was having a good time. And slowly, slowly, slowly the line outside the room grew, as people figured they'd better get in line for that autograph.

And we finally figured out a solution, as Harlan would clearly not be up to autographs. We handed out numbers, so that the folks in the line didn't lose their place. And all of us (including Harlan, who had to be virtually dragged offstage) staggered off to bed. And what am I doing posting this from my hotel room the following morning? Hey, good question. Signing off for the moment; banquet tonight. Cheers!


DrBOP September 25, 2010 at 12:41 PM  

Maggie, thanks ever so much for bringing a bit of expediency to the MadCon2010 weekend. Searched ALL the major, local and net media this mornin', and you are the ONLY one that had a timely report on last night's events. GREAT pics and sharp reporting.......one wish......make 'em MUCH longer reports. That's right....I want to KNOW the minute Harlan is up in the morning, who he's talkin' to, where he's goin' for breakfast, and why in the HELL is this his supposed last convention appearance?
AT LEAST he could arrange for "a showing of the body" for his legion of fans at the convention immediately after his passing.
......oooohhhh.......ooooohhhhh......I GOT IT!!!.....A DUNK TANK!!!!!

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