Comic-Con 2010: Must ... Post ... before ... Sleep

Friday, July 23, 2010

The first full day of Comic-Con was probably pretty much the way the entire event will be for the duration. Getting around the hall means baby steps in the midst of people, people, people - and I must say that cosplay folks wearing hoop skirts may be less adored by fellow attendees than, well, some other cosplay folks. I have so many photos to post that I'm barely going to get a good start tonight. In fact, I'm not going to post much tonight, and much information will shortly begin to lose itself in my cranium. Onward.

Russ Maheras, whom I've known for years and years, turned up. The longtime Chicago resident is now living pretty much full-time in the Los Angeles area - but the reason is kinda neat. He works for the U.S. Air Force's Entertainment Liaison Office handling Documentary and Special Projects. Are you making a movie in which you want to shoot a scene on an Air Force base? Russ is the proverbial go-to guy. And this not only goes for fictional features but also documentaries and, yes, videogames, if you actually want to involve the Air Force in preparing a realistic game level that adds Air Force technical stuff. (Do I sound vague? You think I understand Air Force technical stuff? No, I'm not talking about secrets - just is this the way a plane looks and flies and ... Oh, heck, what do I know? Point is, the Air Force can cooperate in some areas, and Russ is the guy you talk to about it.)

As I say, I've known Russ for years, but Comic-Con is also the spot for new contacts. (Not that they're necessarily new to comics, but I must face the facts that there are people doing cool projects that I haven't yet stumbled over.) I picked up the first two issues of the Archaia Comics' hardcover series Gunnerkrigg Court by Tom Siddell because it looked so promising. [Full disclosure: I was planning to pay for them, but the kindly Archaia people handed them to me as a reviewer. I think I have to say that somewhere on this website these days. Rules are rules. But I haven't read them yet, so I can't review them yet so ... Yes, I think it's time to go to bed. But the Siddell project appears to be most cool.]


MattGergeni July 23, 2010 at 7:21 AM  

Glad to see that you made it safe and sound. And, thanks for the posts. Those of us that were left behind do so enjoy seeing Comic-Con through your eyes...

Unknown August 1, 2010 at 7:48 PM  

Very much looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts on this year's Comic-Con.

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