Comic-Con 2010: Must ... Post ... before ... Sleep
Friday, July 23, 2010
The first full day of Comic-Con was probably pretty much the way the entire event will be for the duration. Getting around the hall means baby steps in the midst of people, people, people - and I must say that cosplay folks wearing hoop skirts may be less adored by fellow attendees than, well, some other cosplay folks. I have so many photos to post that I'm barely going to get a good start tonight. In fact, I'm not going to post much tonight, and much information will shortly begin to lose itself in my cranium. Onward.
As I say, I've known Russ for years, but Comic-Con is also the spot for new contacts. (Not that they're necessarily new to comics, but I must face the facts that there are people doing cool projects that I haven't yet stumbled over.) I picked up the first two issues of the Archaia Comics' hardcover series Gunnerkrigg Court by Tom Siddell because it looked so promising. [Full disclosure: I was planning to pay for them, but the kindly Archaia people handed them to me as a reviewer. I think I have to say that somewhere on this website these days. Rules are rules. But I haven't read them yet, so I can't review them yet so ... Yes, I think it's time to go to bed. But the Siddell project appears to be most cool.]
Glad to see that you made it safe and sound. And, thanks for the posts. Those of us that were left behind do so enjoy seeing Comic-Con through your eyes...
Very much looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts on this year's Comic-Con.
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